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I am a writer with a longstanding history of experience with mental illness, both personally and through friends, family, acquaintances, and various other avenues.  I've been writing since I was very young, but when I started writing for publication about 8 years ago, I knew I wanted my writing to shed light on mental illness, as well as other complicated situations in life that are often related to or contribute to mental illness.

I've written and published 4 books addressing varying types of mental illness in teens and young adults - and I am working on more novels for publication; and I maintain a blog at my writer's website.  But for some time I've been feeling I want to do more to break down the stigma surrounding mental illness.  And that's how this website was born.

Living with mental illness is enough of a challenge on its own, and I firmly believe that those individuals should not feel ashamed or face social stigma.  A person with mental illness has no more control over their condition than a person with diabetes or lupus or celiac has over theirs.

If you've ever felt alone because of mental illness or something difficult in life that you're facing or have faced, my hope is that here you find, in learning that you are not alone, a surviving hope to carry you through your days.

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For information on contributing an article to be considered for publication on Surviving Hope, please send an email to

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